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Originally trained as a scientist, he’s had job titles ranging from scientist, to engineer, to product manager, to designer, and even professor. He currently leads product & design at, an artificial intelligence user research platform. Previously he served as Chief Design Strategist at Boston-based user experience agency Fresh Tilled Soil. He also serves on the adjunct faculty at IE Business School in Madrid, as well as Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA). He is the co-author of both Design Sprint (O’Reilly, 2015) and Product Roadmaps Relaunched (O’Reilly, 2017). He never says no to chocolate chip cookies or doodling.

C. Todd Lombardo

Roadmaps Are Dead Long Live Roadmaps!

Are product roadmaps dead, or not? Ask ten different people and you probably will get twelve different answers. This artifact is often misunderstood, yet an incredibly powerful if done right. How can you as a designer and/or developer influence what goes on the roadmap so you are designing and coding the right products for your personas? We’ll cover some myths and mindsets to help set your team up for product success.
  • Speaking: C. Todd Lombardo
  • Date:

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Smashing TV is a series of webinars and live streams packed with practical tips for designers and developers. Not just talks — conversations and “here-is-how-I-work”-sessions. Smashing Members can download recordings, too.

Think of it as some sort of a Hollywood blockbuster with cats. Just better, because it’s for people like you. Check upcoming webinars.

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